

Heather Douglas is the daughter of Drax the Destroyer and after being ambushed by Thanos the Mad Titan, she ended up being adopted by Mentor, Thanos’ father. On his home world, Titan, Douglas developed mental and physical powers. While there, she came under the influence of The Dragon of the Moon, the sole survivor of an ancient and powerful race of demons bent on corrupting the human race. However, Douglas resisted it and claimed the title of Moondragon.

After spending some time on Earth with the Avengers and (kinda) helping them confront Korvac, Douglas left Earth with Drax and they found a planet immersed in war. Douglas decided to use her mental powers and forced every inhabitant to live in peace, making her feel like a goddess. When confronted by Drax, she killed him with her mental abilities and was subdued by Thor and the Avengers. Taken before Odin, Douglas was judged and sentenced to wear a magical headband that restricted her mental powers and The Valkyrie was assigned her guardian.

However, when Valkyrie was called to join the Defenders, Douglas had no choice but to tag along. It was with them she discovered that the Dragon of the Moon had been influencing her the whole time! After learning this, she rejected it fully and, for the first time, started to make real friends. Eventually, the headband came loose.

However, Moondragon soon became infected with mutated spores and started to die. She had but one choice; accept the Dragon of the Moon’s offer to be it’s host and save her. Doing so, she became an evil being and could not be stopped until four of the Defenders sacrificed themselves to kill both her and the Dragon.

Douglas’s soul managed to contact her cousin on Titan, where she managed to get her hands on a clone body, thus giving Heather another chance at life.

After many adventures with people such as Quasar, Adam Warlock, and Marlo Chandler, Douglas ended up visiting the graves of Mar-Vell and Genis-Vell with her companion and close friend Phyla-Vell. Just then, the Annihilation War broke out and Thanos kidnapped Moondragon to lure Drax out for an unknown reason. Thanos also used Moondragon to read Annihilus‘ mind and learned of his plan to force Galactis into destroying this universe and the Negative Zone.

More details will be revealed about both Annihilation Wars, the Negative Zone, and Annihilus himself in my next post, for now lets continue!

Having survived the annihilation wave, Douglas and Phyla (who was now Quasar) went to assist the Kree Empire by finding “the savior.” Sadly, their search ended up bringing the two up against the ruler of the PhalanxUltron. Douglas transformed into the Dragon of the Moon once again in a desperate attempt to free the Kree Empire even though she knew she could never return to her human form. While fighting alongside her friend, and lover (yes, Phyla and Moondragon are canon), Ultron thrust his arm right into Moondragons heart. Douglas died in Phylas arms.

Later, Drax and Phyla brought Moondragon back from Oblivion but Phyla had to give into the Dragon of the Moon’s requests transforming her into the Martyr.

Moondragons first appearance was in Iron Man #54

Next upload is all about the Annihilation Wars! Thanks for reading guys and as always any advice or requests are greatly appreciated 🙂

Captain Universe

"You don't have a winter coat either. You should get one. It's cold in space."

“You don’t have a winter coat either. You should get one. It’s cold in space.”

Captain Universe first appeared in Micronauts Vol. 1 #8. Captain Universe has never been just one person, it is the Uni-Power (part of the Enigma Force) and is essentially the Universe itself. The Uni-Power chooses someone and enlightens them with all the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The host only has the powers until the cosmic peril is taken care of and balance is returned. Although, if the host tries to use the Uni-Power for evil or personal gain, it will immediately leave them. It’s first know host was Ray Coffin of Florida. Most partnerships go unnoticed.

Once, the Uni-Power started experiencing power and memory loss and traveled to Earth in search of a willing host. There it met Gabriel Vargas who agreed to bond with it and search the Microverse for the problem.

Two years later, Vargas resurfaced in the remains of the Kree Empire after the first Annihilation War. Gabriel was imprisoned alongside Bug, Deathcry, Mantis, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. After fighting against Ultron and his minions, Deathcry went berserk and tried to kill Vargas which caused the Uni-Power to obliterate Deathcry on the spot. Traumatized by what he had done, Gabriel went into a shell-shocked state, but with the help of Mantis, Gabriel managed to convince the Uni-Power to merge with one of the Phalanx Planner Drones and corrupt its data, deleting everything the Phalanx and Ultron had gathered.

Years later, the Uni-Power bonded with William Nguyen who was going to commit suicide after the Juggernaut tore through his place of business in an attempt to outrun Spider-Man. Nguyen had only one thing in mind; to kill the Juggernaut! However, while attempting to do so, the Earth’s tectonic plates started to come undone and forced Nguyen to either save the world or enact revenge. He chose revenge, which deeply offended the Enigma Force. The Uni-Power was stripped from Nguyen and given to the Juggernaut who delved deep into the Earth and fixed the fractures, restoring balance. Afterwards, the Enigma Force commended the Juggernaut and sent the Uni-Power on its way.

Recently, the Uni-Power bonded with Tamara Devoux, a woman who has been in a coma for ten years following a horrible accident. After joining the Avengers, it was asked why it bonded with someone like her and she replied, “She was broken and dying, as I am.”

Marvels Stortline Part 4: Cadence Industries

While selling 50 million comics per year in 1968, Goodman revised the constraining distribution arrangement he made with Independent News during the Atlas years, now allowing him to produce as many comics that were demanded. During the fall of that same year, Goodman sold Marvel Comics and his other publishing companies to the Perfect Film and Chemical Corporation, which grouped them all together as Magazine Management Company with Goodman remaining as publisher. In 1969, Goodman ended his deal with Independent News by signing with Curtis Circulation Company. During 1971, the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare asked Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Stan Lee if he would do a comic book story about drug abuse. After writing the three part Amazing Spider-Man #96-98 (May-July 1971) storyline address drug abuse and all its harm, the Comics Code Authority refused to approve the comics due to narcotic references. However, with Goodman’s permission, Lee published the first three comics without the CCA approval stamp. The public reacted very well to this and that same year the CCA revised the Code on comics.
Goodman retired in 1972 and passed the torch onto his son, Chip. Shortly, Lee succeeded his as publisher and also became Marvels president. During Lee’s time as president, Roy Thomas, whom Lee appointed as editor-in-chief, added “Stan Lee Presents” to the opening page of each comic book. During another slow time, a series of new editor-in-chiefs oversaw the company and, once again, Marvel tried to diversify their comics. They wrote comics on horror, martial arts, sword-and-sorcery, satire (shout out to Howard the Duck everybody!), and science fiction.

Marvels Storyline Part 2: Atlas Comics

After our nations heros won the battles of World War II and returned home, the once popular Superman, Batman & Robin, Wonder Woman, and Captain America started to die out. Fighting Hitler and the Red Skull weren’t practical anymore because the battle was already over and in 1954 during an investigation on comic book violence and how it affects children the book, Seduction of the Innocent, nailed the coffin shut on our superhero buddies.

Comics now had to abide by certain rules and restrictions, churches and schools organized boycotts of comics and some had regularly timed book burnings in which kids would bring their old comic books of Superman and Captain America and burn them in a big heap. In that time, the Marvel and DC teams, among other publishers, would instead put out Western, Horror, Crime, and Romance comics. Meanwhile, Goodman started using the glob logo Atlas News Company on comics cover-dated November 1951 because he owned that company. Atlas published a plethora of children stories such as Casper the Friendly Ghost and he also unsuccessfully tried to revamp the old comic heros. According to Stan Lee, the company only survived the first two decades because they produced their work quickly, cheaply, and at a passable quality.

However, then came the Marvel Age of Comics!

Marvels Storyline Part 1: Timely Publications

Martin Goodman founded a company called Timely Publications in 1939, which would later come to be known as Marvel Comics. The first ever publication from Timely, released October 1939, featured Carl Burgos’ android superhero the Human Torch and Bill Everett’s anti-hero Namor the Sub-Mariner! It was a great success and sold, combined with the following issue, nearly 900,000 copies. After writer-artist Joe Simon, the companies first true editor, teamed up with artist Jack Kirby to create one of the first patriotic themed superheros of all time: Captain America who first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941) with sales of nearly one million. When Simon left the company in 1941, Goodman gave the job to Stanley Lieber, who Goodman hired in 1939. Stanley, who was now writing under the name “Stan Lee” kept the position of interim editor for decades except during the three years he fought in World War II. The strategy that Goodman came up with to do business was to his various magazines and comics published under a number of corporations all operating out of the same office and with the same staff. One of these shell companies produced Marvel Mystery Comics which Goodman would later adopt.