Captain Universe

"You don't have a winter coat either. You should get one. It's cold in space."

“You don’t have a winter coat either. You should get one. It’s cold in space.”

Captain Universe first appeared in Micronauts Vol. 1 #8. Captain Universe has never been just one person, it is the Uni-Power (part of the Enigma Force) and is essentially the Universe itself. The Uni-Power chooses someone and enlightens them with all the powers, memories, and costume of Captain Universe. The host only has the powers until the cosmic peril is taken care of and balance is returned. Although, if the host tries to use the Uni-Power for evil or personal gain, it will immediately leave them. It’s first know host was Ray Coffin of Florida. Most partnerships go unnoticed.

Once, the Uni-Power started experiencing power and memory loss and traveled to Earth in search of a willing host. There it met Gabriel Vargas who agreed to bond with it and search the Microverse for the problem.

Two years later, Vargas resurfaced in the remains of the Kree Empire after the first Annihilation War. Gabriel was imprisoned alongside Bug, Deathcry, Mantis, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. After fighting against Ultron and his minions, Deathcry went berserk and tried to kill Vargas which caused the Uni-Power to obliterate Deathcry on the spot. Traumatized by what he had done, Gabriel went into a shell-shocked state, but with the help of Mantis, Gabriel managed to convince the Uni-Power to merge with one of the Phalanx Planner Drones and corrupt its data, deleting everything the Phalanx and Ultron had gathered.

Years later, the Uni-Power bonded with William Nguyen who was going to commit suicide after the Juggernaut tore through his place of business in an attempt to outrun Spider-Man. Nguyen had only one thing in mind; to kill the Juggernaut! However, while attempting to do so, the Earth’s tectonic plates started to come undone and forced Nguyen to either save the world or enact revenge. He chose revenge, which deeply offended the Enigma Force. The Uni-Power was stripped from Nguyen and given to the Juggernaut who delved deep into the Earth and fixed the fractures, restoring balance. Afterwards, the Enigma Force commended the Juggernaut and sent the Uni-Power on its way.

Recently, the Uni-Power bonded with Tamara Devoux, a woman who has been in a coma for ten years following a horrible accident. After joining the Avengers, it was asked why it bonded with someone like her and she replied, “She was broken and dying, as I am.”