
The other day in class, this snarky kid behind me asked in an annoyed tone why I like Marvel so much.

I didn’t reply because I realized I don’t have to explain my likes and dislikes to him or anyone. However, it got me thinking why do I like Marvel, and comic books in general, so much?

It’s because I use it as a form of escape. Everyone has forms of escape we use dailey: music, movies, books, drawing, writing, gaming, exercising, blogging, etc.

I blog about comics because it makes me feel happy. I know it’s not the most interesting topic, but it is to me. That’s what really matters, that’s what makes a blog or any form of art good; your passion for it.


Annihilus is a badass. He, or rather it, caused two wars that nearly tore the universe a new one, literally! He opened the Negative Zone and let through the Annihilation Wave to destroy both our universe and the Negative Zone. Talk about a dick move.

However, he’s one of my favorite characters in Marvel Comics! He just looks like a badass.